If you are looking for Reasons To Be A Stay At Home Mom we are going to break down aew key questions that you may not be thinking about.
We want to help you out in making a decision on if being a stay-at-home mom would work for you and your family. If you need additional help you can also visit our happy stay at home mom page with additional resources.

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Whether you are a mom to be or you have already experienced the joys of being a mom and have young kids, I would like to give a few reasons why being home is important for your child and for you.
You Will Have A Strong Relationship With Your Kids
I really never understood the bond of some of the kids I saw that their parents stayed home, it always seemed so different but in a good way.
When I started the journey myself I noticed a difference. I would spend all day and night with my child and the bond became just a natural closeness and it also gave me the chance for my children to get to know each other better too. I am telling you, it is like they have their own language, they just get each other. Now, they are teenagers so they also have those teenage fights on occasion, but I can count on one hand what that looks like.
The Foundation
We can build a strong relationship if they know that I will always be there for them and they are there for each other. Gaining their love and trust is priceless to me.
You and your children have greater access to activities. You and your child can constantly enjoy and explore the world together. We do this by hitting the road on family road trips a couple of times a month. Trust me riding in a small tin vehicle for hours on end is a great way to bond.
While you are at home, explain to your child that you need to have work time for things and for yourself so they do not get disappointed when they ask to play with you.
Why Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Is an Important Career For Me
Being a stay at home mom is a job so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You will work the entire day, you will get up and not want to do anything, you will get thrown up on, and you will get tons of sticky kisses.
However, it’s not work in the traditional sense. You’re not flipping burgers for minimum wage and coming home smelling like grease, or working at the waterpark over the summer, instead you smell like you might just need a shower, but did I mention the long hugs and sticky kisses?
I mean can you really say no to all the hugs and kisses that you will get over the years?
You won’t be sitting on the couch watching endless amounts of Netflix shows and living care free. It is a job, a chosen job.
Even though staying home as a mom is not a paid job, that does not mean that it is less important than a career outside of the home. In fact many researchers show that stay at home is beneficial for the long term success of your child, more on that later.
Let’s go through a few reasons that I think are helpful for you to make some decisions regarding staying at home with your child(ren).
Having the opportunity to teach them all the things that they’ll need to learn. Everything from their first bite they will take off solid food, to their first step, to the first time they hold a crayon in their hand.
All of those early years of learning and development are pivotal years in your child’s life. I’ll share some more about that later.
Being a stay at home mom is very rewarding because you are not only a mother but also a chef, a nurse, a cheerleader, a behavioral therapist and most especially a teacher.
There are so many roles that you play. But having the opportunity to perform that role is what matters, not being a perfectionist.
Not everyone is able to stay home with their kids. But know that the learning that you provide for them will not only make a bright and happy child soon they will become a happy adult.
How Can I Call Myself A Successful Stay At Home Mom
What does that success really look like, it is different for everyone.
Just so you know and I’m sure you’ve heard this before, being successful is not just about money, the things you have, the clothes you wear, being popular or famous.
Success is in what you do and how you treat people and of course in how you raise your kids.
I know that it is very easy to point the finger at someone on how they raise their kids, but honestly it’s not an easy job.
In order to be successful at it, you will need to take time to know your kids, spend time with them, teach them how to be good humans and to live a happy life.
My Child Will Grow Up Feeling Happy, Safe, and Secure
The best gift that you can give to your children is you. Being a good and caring mom will bring joy to the family.
Take the time to have quality time with your kids. Even when they are babies, they start building that bond with you. From tummy time all the way to movie dates, each moment is important to the development of their relationship with you.
To Be A Stay At Home Mom Or Work
As a mother, you question yourself if you can provide all that your child needs on various occasions. As they get older their needs will change which means you have more involvement with each of those changes.
Working outside provides benefits like adult interaction, some alone time in the car, and financial gain. But none of those relate directly back to staying home. Money is a great motivator for some, but if you budget your time and money, being at home can outweigh the work life.
Shifting your perspective is a very key here. Maybe in the beginning you will experience hardships, long days, never ending laundry, what seems like ungrateful behavior, and you start to wonder, am I doing a good job?
Yes! Yes, you are doing a great job. Don’t forget that, but as the day goes by it will be more worth it.
You Get to Witness Each of Your Child’s Milestones Firsthand
In being a staying at home parent I see all the major milestones that my child does. I saw everything from the first time my kids sat up, walked, babbled, talked, cutting their first tooth, to using a spoon for the first time
Your child needs more guidance and supervision, so being a stay at home mom is an advantage that you can give to your children.
I Love Being With My Kids
I love being a stay at home mom not that I didn’t love having a corporate job, but for me staying at home is just so much more rewarding.
When you are home with your children, you tend to provide a different level of love and care to them. You get to play with them, listen to their rants, their amazing stories of how they day went for them and you get to be there when they cry. I know that there is a different connection to a mother when they stay home, it is a quality time that needs to be given to them that they do not get any other way.
According to a recent study, children can do much better with a parent at home. When they feel that they are being loved and cared for children will excel. Your presence will create a stable feeling for your child.
You Don’t Have To Worry About Taking Time Off Of Work
I remember working in an office with a boss that was not the kindest to everyone, and she would always tell people to take care of it on their own time, even if someone’s child got sick during the work day. We can not control when or if our children will get sick.I did not have any children at the time, but I think back on it and know that listening to her bad mouth people for not taking their career seriously was infuriating. I knew that when I had children I would not rely on a corporate job.
It is kind of refreshing when my child is sick that I don’t need to leave them at home and go into an office. I am the one that is given a chance to take care of them and give them the aid that they need.
You can have time to do outdoor activities with them, art, music, cooking classes, and don’t forget that we can appreciate television shows because they help shape the mind of a child too. My kids loved Baby Einstein, Word World, Sesame Street, Electric Company, Mister Rogers Neighborhood and so many other amazing and educational shows.
But I want them to learn using their hands too, so we did a lot of play time.
If I was working a full time job outside the home my work schedule would prohibit me from sharing opportunities to teach, learn and grow with my child during the day.
Mom Wants To Make Their Child Feel Happy, Safe, and Secured
In everything that they do, whenever they slightly hurt themselves, I am the one comforting them. It can be somewhat overwhelming if you are not used to this though.
Being the main source of comfort and support. For years after my husband came back home from overseas, they kids would walk right past him and ask me for something. But now they both know that he is just as valuable a resource as I am.
When letting them do more activities, set a boundary for them so they learn the purpose of limits.
Also, kids have a lot more to say, so listen to them and make sure you are truly listening. There is a lot said in what they do not say.
Give them the job of just being a child. They are full of curiosity and mistakes but remember to tell them and praise them with kindness.This can often be the best choice that can allow them a little time to learn, grow and explore more.
Stay At Home Mom Can Be Less Stress
The first thing I would say is if you are focused on being happy at home with your kids, you will want to plan your day around your home and kids. This means planning your meals and your cleaning schedules as well.
Stay at home mom focuses on the good things in the family to make life less stressful.
While at home, you only interacted with your family most of the time and some of your close friends. This means that you do not have to hang out with negative people and it is pretty much okay with me.
We need a person or a group of people who support us to become more positive and avoid judgments on how we perform our task.
You Get to Focus 100% on Your Family
I don’t worry about deadlines for work, I do not worry about who’s going to take care of my child when I leave for a business trip. As a stay at home mom I get to do my work while having my kids at home with me. #Winning
What really happens at home is a plus on how the kid handles situations. It is very important to have a good bond that will ultimately help them build a ton of trust and stronger relationships.
Home is where we are given a chance to focus on our family. Kids are not designed to walk their journey alone, but with us to help and guide them.
At the end of the day, with some hard work, you will find that being a home parent is definitely going to be the best job you have ever had despite the long hours. Staying home is something that I truly enjoy.
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