Feeling as though your planner is just sitting there staring at you from across the room? Have no fear, I want to share with your exactly What To Track In A Paper Planner.

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Let’s start with the fun stuff because the routine stuff below will be a little bit more detailed stuff will be below on the day-to-day routines.
Ever since my kiddos were tiny, I always made it a point to take them on dates, both as one on one time and as just the kids and me. It felt important to me to dote on them, connect and build a strong bond with them. One of the things I liked to do was go to the movies and lunch dates with them the lunch dates were usually after the movie, that way it opened up the conversation a lot easier and I got better answers than “I don’t know” “I guess” and the ever-popular one-word answers “yes” and “no”.
Track your Entertainment
- Movies you want to see
- Movie release dates
- Books you have read, reading or want to read
- Music to add to playlists
- Areas to travel to. Local, state, domestic or overseas
- Restaurants or food to try
- Video games: release dates, trade days, rentals (rent video games)
- TV shows you have watched, watching or want to watch, premier dates

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There are so many things to track in your planner, everything from memories to health goals.
Try to have fun with it and make the best of the planner and how you want to use it.
Health and Wellness
Since your health is a big part of taking care of your family I wanted to include how to keep track of your health in your planner.
You can start with one or two of the below items. List them out daily and then simply review them at the end of the week to see if you are staying on track. If you are, high five. If not, try to figure out a few ways that you can get the results you want.
- Prayer or Meditation
- Exercise
- Water
- Weight Loss/Gain
- Steps per Day
- Mood
- Cycle (Aunt Flo)
- Doctors appointments
- Symptoms
- Healthy habits
- Illness tracker
- Me / Alone Time
Spouse and Relationship Tracker
It is so important in this day and age to keep on top of the relationships that we have spent our lives building. One way to do this is by making appointments in your planner to reach out to those people, even the ones that live in your home.
You can use your planner to track and block off the dates and to make sure that you have enough quality time built in to nurture those relationships.
- Date nights
- Favorite things (wish list)
- Love language
- Anniversaries
- Special things to do for
- Suprise plans
Meal Planning
I am a huge fan of meal planning because it can save you so much time, energy, and money. It can take you as little as 5 minutes to get a simple plan together.
- Grocery lists
- Meals liked
- Recipes to try
- No eating out days
- Pantry inventory
- Fridge Inventory
- Freezer Inventory
- Restaurants to try
- Holiday meals
- To Do List
Keeping all of the things in my head that I need to get done is no longer an option for me. I have to keep track of too many things. Plus being a home owner I have to make sure that I am keeping on top of the home, the family and everything else that pops up.
This means making lists of things to do and organizing them based on priority of if they can be done later or need to be done now.
- Daily
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
- Gratitude
- Faith
- Volunteering
- Braindump
Craft Ideas
This is probably my absolute favorite! When I get to sit down to plan a project for me to do all by myself. I can sit down and plan as much time as I need to and then order all of the things that I need or want.
- Stickers to buy
- Washi tape to buy
- Craft supplies needed
- Favorite Etsy Shops
- Tips for crafting
- Bucket list of family crafts
- Projects and Hobbies
- Fabric Sales
- Planner websites
Car Maintenance
I can admit, I am the worst at keeping track of my maintenance. It is a must that I write it down and have reminders otherwise the tasks will be forgotten.
- Weekly car wash
- Vehicle repairs and maintenance schedule
- Oil changes
- Tires (rotation and new)
Calendar Items
This part of my planner is really just a catch-all for me. I can track big goals here or small things that need to get done, but do not necessarily need to be tracked in another part of my planner.

- Daily Planner
- Weekly Planner
- Monthly schedule
- Yearly tracker
- Hourly planner
- Year at a glance
- Week in review
- Month in review
- Quarterly review
- Yearly review
- Future planning
- Project planning (home and work)
Budget Trackers
Probably not my favorite part of my planner, but a necessary part. Money management is how I was able to plan to be a stay-at-home mom.
So any chance I get, I mention it to other moms or soon-to-be moms. It really is that important to track those dollars.
- Bills to pay
- Bill due dates
- Christmas budget
- Birthday budget
- Debt paydown
- Home purchases
- Home repairs
- Home buying
- Household budget
- No spend tracker
I am always on top of all things kid-related in my home. There are so many moving pieces that it can be overwhelming at times. But writing them down really helps to keep me on task.
I also use my planner as a sort of memory keeper for those bigger milestones and dates with the kids. Like when they lost their first tooth, graduated their grade, and of course, movies and trips are on there too.
- Funny things they say or do
- Chores
- School information
- Doctors appointments
- Shot records
- Allergies
- Shot reminders
- Daily school schedules
- Activities days
- Weight and Height tracker
- Milestones
- Important school dates (test, field trips, shopping)
- Babysitter Information (emergency contacts, allergies, etc)
- Dentist appointments
- Special occasions (first dance, daddy-daughter dance, mommy-son dance)
- Medications and Vitamins

This is just as important as anything in my planner, keeping track of all the things that a pet needs. Especially because they can not tell us when they need something or remind us. I color code the pets so that I know everything that they need.
- Medications
- Exercise
- Vet information
- Grooming days
- Care information
- Allergies
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