Becoming A Stay At Home Mom is a life-changing event. It’s only natural that you’ll want some guidance. Luckily, you’ve found me! I’m going to take a look at the practical and positive parts of staying home with your kids. For more real-life tips visit our Happy Stay At Home Mom page.
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Why I Don’t Regret Becoming a Stay at Home Mom
Some moms regret becoming a stay at home mom — and that’s okay. It’s not for everyone and being judgmental or nasty toward those who do not like the decision they made is just plain cruel.
However, other moms do not regret it. Here’s why:
- Women have fought for choice. Choosing to stay home is a genuine honor for some moms.
- Children can see that there are different types of jobs.
- Moms have found that they look at the world differently after becoming a stay at home.
- You won’t worry as much.
- You can work on your confidence without comparison to colleagues.
How Can I Afford to Be a Stay at Home Mom
Being a stay at home mom is more affordable than you might think — even with only one income — if you budget appropriately. Here are some tips on how to do just that:
- Be realistic — Live within your means and make sure your budget includes the actual incoming and outgoing figures.
- Allow for emergencies — Put money aside for unexpected situations so you won’t have to worry about finances during a crisis.
- Save for Christmas year-round — You can then use the saved money for gifts instead of dropping into overdrafts or taking out loans.
- Plan meals — You won’t be distracted from your list while grocery shopping this way.
- Shop savings — Switch energy providers, change supermarkets, and look for bargains to save money.
The Benefits For Kids of All Ages
There are plenty of research-backed benefits of children of all ages having stay at home moms. In a study conducted by Pew Research Center on the Social and Demographic Trends, 60% of USA residents say that a child is much better off with at least one parent staying home.
Amazingly, a study performed in 2014 by Eric Bettinger, Mari Rege, and Torbjørn Hægeland concluded that the benefits of having a parent at home go far beyond early years. The research monitored the educational abilities of 68,000. The findings clearly showed that those with a stay at home mom/dad increased their performance all the way to high school.
The same can be seen in purely homeschooled children, with these kids scoring 15 to 30 percentile points above students in the USA’s public school system.
Moreover, there is evidence that suggests children who have a parent at home are less likely to undergo extreme levels of aggression or stress. This not only helped them during the early years but also well into adulthood thanks to initial and follow-up studies conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Remember: Make Plans For a Social Life
It’s easy to feel isolated as a stay at home mom so making plans for a social life is a must to stay sane, happy, and healthy.
Going out to lunch or on a coffee date with friends can be the difference between a breakdown and belly-aching laughing. They will act as a support system that knows exactly what you’re going through.
Not to mention that they might be able to impart some valuable parenting (or self-care) tips when you need it most. Even if you’ve been a parent for years, you won’t know everything (unfortunately!).
Reap the Decreased Stress and Aggression Rewards
Overall, not only will staying at home with your kids allow them to be free from high levels of stress and aggression. But, it will let you be unbound by these things too!
Happy you, happy kids, happy life — what more could you ask for?
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