If you have asked yourself, What can I do with a lot of sourdough discard? Then this the place you want to be. My list of Sourdough Discard Dinner Recipes will give you new ideas on how to use up all that sourdough discard, without waste. Find more Recipes Using Discard Sourdough for all meals.

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Since most of our meals are quick and easy, I wanted to share recipes with you that offered the entire sourdough dinner and not just a roll or side of some sort.
Here is a collection of our favorite Sourdough Discard Dinners. Some of these are quick dinners, some of them have leftovers, some are comfort foods. From our family to yours, hope you love them as much as we do!!
Sourdough Discard Dinner Recipes

How to store sourdough discard
I can admit, I am guilty of having a lot of extra sourdough discard laying around. The best way I found to store my discard is by placing it in the refrigerator. I feed it every 7 to 9 days. u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThen I take it out a portion of the discarded sourdough starter from the fridge and let it rest on the counter when I am ready to use. I only take out as much as I need for a recipe.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eRemember this is a leavening agent, so you will need to let it rest on the counter until you see it rise a bit.
How to use sourdough discardu003cbr/u003e
Even though you will use some of your discard in recipes you will often find yourself still having some leftover discard. If you do not want to use it, you can toss it into your garden compost or do a u003ca href=u0022https://thenonhiphippies.org/2017/12/07/dig-and-drop-trench-composting/u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003edig and dropu003c/au003e next to a plant that needs a little extra love outside and it will start to thrive. u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eBut, if you just do not want to deal with it, toss it out. Never put it down the garbage disposal since it will gum it up and keep it from working properly. Plus, you do not want to smell that in a week or two. u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eOtherwise, you can use it for all sorts of easy recipes including, u003ca href=u0022https://thehappymustardseed.com/easy-sourdough-tortillas/u0022u003esourdough tortillasu003c/au003e, u003ca href=u0022https://thehappymustardseed.com/sourdough-cookies/u0022u003esourdough cookiesu003c/au003e, u003ca href=u0022https://thehappymustardseed.com/roti-sourdough/u0022u003eroti sourdoughu003c/au003e, u003ca href=u0022https://thehappymustardseed.com/toasted-ham-and-cheese-wrap/u0022u003eham and cheese wrapsu003c/au003e, u003ca href=u0022https://thehappymustardseed.com/whole-wheat-sourdough-tortillas/u0022u003ewhole wheat tortillasu003c/au003e, and more!u003cbr/u003e
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